Holiday Housework: Five Maintenance Tips For the Holiday Season

Tips and Tricks

The New Year is upon us. That means your household appliances have almost survived another trip around the sun. The biggest challenge, however, lies just before the finish line. The holidays bring friends and family together, which means big meals, lots of coffee, and high overall usage of your household appliances. Today’s blog captures S&S Appliance’s best five tips to preparing household appliances for the holidays.

Here at S&S Appliance, we aim to help you save money and keep your household appliances humming strong, for as long as they possibly can.

Preparing Your Household Appliances For The Holidays

Whether you invited extended family or plan for a more intimate holiday, your appliances will almost certainly see more usage during this time of year. That’s why S&S Appliance is focused on helping you prepare your appliances for the festivities with these tips.

Cleaning & Prepping The Oven

Over the holidays, the oven becomes your altar. It’s almost unthinkable that anyone could make it through an entire holiday season without using the oven, let alone using it over, and over, and over again…

You should perform a thorough inspection of your oven prior to the holidays. We suggest you clean your oven at least twice a year, but another cleaning at this time will ensure safe oven usage. In the event that you need to do it the old-fashioned way, use an oven cleaner, and let it sit for a while before wiping away all the grease and grime. Funny enough, when our technicians come by to service an oven, we find that many homeowners haven’t yet realized that they have a self-cleaning oven.

In lieu of cleaning your oven, burnt remnants reheating over and over can compromise your oven and even the quality of your cooked meals. Your appliances aren’t prepared until you’ve cleaned the oven.

Make Way In The Fridge!

Cleaning out your refrigerator is one of the simplest, yet most important steps in preparing your household appliances for the holidays. You need space to store all that turkey, beer, and ice cream!

Cleaning out the fridge starts with removing every last item, shelf, and drawer. You want to wipe it down to a spitshine before restocking. Make sure to be extra efficient when restocking the fridge— as more friends, family, and food come through the door, you’ll need the extra space.

Should you find any issues with your fridge, such as leaks or a continuous struggle to stay on, make sure to give us a call! We have years of experience servicing refrigerators across Alabama and the Florida panhandle.

Clean & Run Your Dishwasher

If the oven gets a lot of attention during the holidays, you know the dishwasher will too. You’ll certainly be remiss to find yourself without a clean dishwasher prior to hosting the holidays. Nothing spells hospitality like cleanliness and hygiene.

Preparing your household appliances for the holidays requires that you ensure your dishwasher is up and running properly. We feel that it’s best if dishwasher maintenance is handled by a professional, as they are fickle machines with nuanced problems. Should you attempt to go at it on your own, check out our recent blog on dishwasher maintenance in case you run into any issues. But we suggest giving us a call to ensure your safety and proper repair.

Maintenancing Your Household Appliances For The Holidays

Speaking of maintenance!

Preparing your household appliances for the holiday season is a must. But it’s equally important to maintain any old and rusty appliances. Here are a couple tips as we approach the holidays.


Perhaps the best tip for maintaining your household appliances for the holidays is to prepare a test meal. You can practice making your scheduled holiday meal, while testing out the quality of each appliance you’ll need.

Should everything go well, you can rest assured that your household appliances are good to go for the holidays. If you run into any problems, you can deal with them in advance, by calling S&S Appliance.

Keep in mind that you should aim to prep a test meal prior to doing any big cleaning. You don’t want to dirty your appliances right after you’ve gone through all the trouble!

Schedule A Maintenance Visit With S&S Appliance!

There’s no better way to ensure the welfare of your household appliances than to get an expert’s opinion. The experts here at S&S Appliance suggest getting a maintenance check at least once a year—what better time than the holiday season to get it done!

We want your holidays to be just as wonderful and packed with memories as you’re hoping for. You never know what problems might be lurking beneath the surface of any of your household appliances. Whether you plan to bust out a rarely used food processor or run that rickety dishwasher just a few dozen more times, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Give us a call or schedule an appointment online today, and we’ll make sure to give your household appliances a clean bill of health!

Discover S&S Appliance professional repair services today!

S&S Appliance Parts & Service is the leading independent appliance service and repair provider in the Southeast. We have experience with all makes and models, and we are ready to put our 60+ years of experience at your service. Contact us at 1-205-426-5468 to consult a technician and give a new life to your old or broken appliances.